Privacy Policy

Protection of personal data

This confidentiality policy defines and informs you of the manner in GMI ZARHAK MOULDERS PVT LTD uses and protects the information that you transmit to us, if applicable, when you use this Website accessible from the following URL: (hereinafter the “Website”).

Please note that this confidentiality policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by GMI ZARHAK MOULDERS PVT LTD, in order to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological development. In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the top of this policy. These modifications are binding on the User as soon as they are put online. It is therefore advisable for the User to regularly consult the present policy on confidentiality and the use of cookies in order to be aware of any possible modifications.

1. Data collection by GMI Zarhak Moulders

Some of the personal data stored on our Server are those that you provide voluntarily when filling out online forms.

2. Passive collection of personal data

In order to improve navigation on our Websites, GMI reserves the right to collect certain data during your visit through the storage and reading of trackers called cookies.

The data that might be collected is :

  • Your IP address: an IP address is assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider to allow you to access the Internet, the IP identifier changes with each connection and does not allow automatic identification.
  • The date and time of your visit to the Website, as well as the pages that you have consulted
  • YYour computer's operating system and browser software
  • Your path through the Website as well as the duration of your connection.

GMI ZM's website would use Google analytics technology and would not use persistent cookies, which reside on your hard drive. The data would be collected in the form of session information, which would be generated during the visit and will be automatically destroyed at the end of the visit or after 30 minutes of inactivity on your part.

These cookies make it possible to browse the Website more simply and quickly without having to identify the user or reprocess each new part of the Website visited.

3. Ethics and use of collected data

GMI will only use the data collected to respond to requests from visitors to the Website, to satisfy the functions of e-mail programs or to notify visitors of news and new services on the Website, and only if visitors expressly authorise GMI to do so.

This personal data – provided voluntarily on the Website – is reserved for strictly internal use within GMI and will not be transmitted or transferred to anyone for commercial or prospecting purposes. It is kept for the time necessary to process the request and for a maximum of 3 years after the last contact with the person and is only accessible by a limited number of authorised persons who need it to carry out their mission.